Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012, Please be good to me.

Few hours to go and New Year 2012 will be here. With the advent of new year, a new era begins and with it comes new hopes and new possibilities. Every year teaches us some of life’s most important lessons, and with that learning we put our step forward into the new year.

May this new year bring many opportunities to our way, to explore every joy of life & may our resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all our dreams into reality and all our efforts into great achievements.

Happy New Year to you & your loved ones!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Merry Christmas

Hello! It’s late but still I wanted to great you a Merry Christmas. May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the year.  Here in the Philippines, however, celebrations start as early as first day of September and because of this, our country has earned the distinction of having the world's longest Christmas season, which lasts for at least 5 months (festivities usually continue after December 25, and may extend until January of the following year).

Christmas is time for giving, loving and of course a time for God.  I really have a wonderful Christmas this year. I celebrate it with my family, friends and God. Let me show you what we did on Christmas season.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hey, It's my 22nd Birthday!

I'm twenty two already, like it or not! It's just a number and is strictly a case of mind over matter. If I don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

I received lots of greetings and wishes through SMS, calls, Facebook or either personal greetings. Thank you guys! Your birthday wishes and greetings are most appreciated. It filled my heart with joy to read/hear all of your kind words. Thank you!

My little plans on how to celebrate my day just got happened. Early morning before heading to work I went to church first to thank God for all the blessings that He gave on me and to my family. I treat my workmates during lunch, and my friends as well. A good friend of mine bought a pizza for me. At night, I have a little decent dinner together with my family. I brought a nice black forest cake and ice cream for them and that's it! It’s the simplest way I know on how to celebrate a birthday this year. I want to make it special without splurging a lot of money. I am thankful and happy for all the fun and excitement that only birthdays can bring.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh Eh I'm Twenty One!

Finally 21 and legally able to do everything I've been doing since 17. I could say that its one of the best birthday ever. Thanks to my family, workmates and friends for remembering and celebrating with me on my special day.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Christmas House And The Flickering Town of Albuera

Vivid lights in every corner of the road, houses filled with Santas, trees and poinsettias and the whole town was snowed with the essence of Christmas; that’s the usual scenes we will witness when December fall at the town of Albuera, really goes all out when it comes to Christmas decorations. It was a Christmas display competition participated by every barangay that started years ago and still ongoing up to this date. They push it through so they’ll be renowned as the Christmas capital of Leyte.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Food Attack! The Mooon Cafe & Tempura Haus Back To Back Food Adventure

“Give your self a treat”, these words suddenly came into my mind on December 2 Friday night. I SMSed my friend if she could come with me to have dinner outside, “Sure”, she responded.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Make a Wish! An epic 11-11-11 11:11

Look at a clock and the time reads 11:11 then you should make a wish.

I heard it first on Tumblr last year. It was just one of those things that appeared in my consciousness after enough people mentioned it. Of course I initially dismissed it as irrational. But whenever I would catch the time at 11:11 I’d make a wish just for the fun of it. In the last couple of months I have had a strange number of 11:11 wishes come true. Most of my 11:11 wishes are external. I’d like certain things to happen. I’d like particular problems to be resolved.

It is curious to me how often I randomly catch that particular time on the clock. I wonder if it only seems that way because the four similar digits make it easier to remember.

Today is one of the epic 11:11 phenomenon, its 11th of November 2011. Make a wish at exactly 11-11-11 11:11!!! Goodluck!

The Rules...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween 2011

Undas is a yearly occasion in which we’re going to visit our departed loved ones towards the end of October or at the first or the second day of November at the cemetery to pay respects to them. It’s a tradition for all of us to pray for them and at the same time a family get-together.

This year, I’m little bit upset because I haven’t got the opportunity to visit my departed loved ones in the cemetery nor gather with my relatives because of the announcing of holidays.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ormoc's 2nd Pasalamat Tugob Festival

After the breaking traditional Charter Day activities last year, the 2nd Pasalamat Tugob Festival is once again highlighting the 64th Charter Day celebration in Ormoc City, Leyte.

Tugob means “abundant” in the Visayan local dialect. The festival aims to showcase the 11 products identified to be abundant in the city namely: steam, water, pineapple, sugarcane, cassava, fish, livestock, coconut, vegetables, rice, and even sand and gravel. To translate these products, said to in abundance in the city, into a festival, different schools of the city were tapped to depict it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ormoc City

I am an Ormocanon since birth. I nurture, learned and mold from this city. Maybe some of you here never heard the place before; let me show you how beautifully my city is.

The City of Ormoc is a 1st class city in the province of Leyte, Philippines. The city's name is derived from ogmok, an old Visayan term for lowland or depressed plain. It is the first non-provincial city of the Philippines. Ormoc is the economic, cultural, commercial and transportation hub of Western Leyte.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer 2011

I remember when I was a child/student; summertime fun in the sun began with the ringing of the last bell of the day. It signified that it was time to throw away old home work assignments and to forget about anything to do with school-for three months at least. Summer time is a time of simple pleasures and exciting times of the year. Three months of sleeping at late night, long lazy afternoon TV marathon, hanging out, just being kids and not having to worry about homework had been lingering in the mind since classes began in June.

When summer vacation finally rolls around, I can never make up my mind-on what to do first. Shall it playing around with friends or swimming at the pool or beach? One thing was for certain though, the family vacation. For some it was a dreadful thing but not for my close knit family and me. Every year, my family members gathered together and spent time at the beach while enjoying the heat of the sun, delicious foods, breeze of air and the splash of water.

Pinoy Big Brother 4 (Ormoc Screening)

Pinoy Big Brother, the phenomenal reality TV show in the Philippines is again looking for a new batch of qualified housemates who will be his boarders for Season 4 this year, 2011. Many hopefuls have a chance to be part and live in Big Brother House as they added more audition venues in cities and provinces nationwide; much wider and bigger than the previous season. People may screened on the following audition venues like Metro Manila, Pangasinan, Camarines Sur, Davao, Laguna, Bacolod, Ormoc, Cebu, Bukidnon and Zamboanga.

May 28, 2011, the day where the screening is held at Gaisano Riverside Mall in Ormoc City. This has been the first ever reality TV show audition held in the place. Not only Ormocanons but fellow Leyteños are excited and joined the screening.

College Life

Since high school, I have been waiting to enter college. I always wanted to be a college student; a serious student who would decide what to be in his life. My first day on ACLC College was on second week of June 2007. It was a day full of new experiences.

The first day of anything new is always nerve racking especially the first day of class. Most freshmen are right out of high school and are embarking on a new journey. I got into a new educational building, was exposed to a different style of learning, and met new people. I notice students reacquainting themselves with peers they saw semesters before. I see others finding old friends thankful for someone to talk to so to not look stupid standing alone. I see adults who decided to return to school after many years out of high school hoping to obtain their degree. My first day signified the beginning of my career goals. As soon as I entered the college campus the high school atmosphere was over and a serious period of my life began.

Leo who?

Sometimes it is hard to introduce yourself because you know yourself so well that you do not know where to start with. Let me give a try to see what kind of image you have about me through my self-description. I hope that my impression about myself and your impression about me are not so different. Here it goes.

To those who don’t know me, I am Leo Atregenio, 21 years old, awesome since 1989 and I'm from the third planet from the sun. My friends call me as Lei, Yong or Churva lol. I’m a son, good friend, Internet addict, non-stop eating machine and blogger in the making. A graduate of Software Development and currently employed in a direct selling group; a particular job I continue to love and cherish up to this day. I was born on 13th of December, I’m a proud provincial-city boy of Ormoc, Leyte. I’m the youngest; I have two sisters and one brother. On a solo-flight, but in a relationship with food.

I am typically impulsive, goofy and bipolar person. I'm a frustrated photographer, so every time I took a photo which is nice in my eyes I blog it as soon as I get on my playground with my buddy, the computer. I am no good in Math, I'm a tardy person and doesn't like to do any household chores. And also, I'm a professional bathroom singer so deal with it!

I am a work in progress. But at least I think it is progressing! I am contradictions. Simple and complex. Shy and outgoing. Serious and silly. Upbeat and cranky. In short, I am a human.

I love documenting about my life. This blog’s sole purpose is to serve as a time capsule of the digital age; something which I can look back on in the years to come. I'm pretty much an open book, if there’s anything you want to know or any concerns, contact through
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